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Winter in Queens Square

Snow Removal

The safe movement of people, vehicles, and goods is critical for the day to day operation of any city—in every season. Saint John’s Winter Management Plan makes sure that streets and designated sidewalks remain safe and accessible during the winter months. 

City streets are plowed and deiced (either salt or sand) according to a priority system. 

Priority 1: Arterial streets, highway connections, emergency routes

Priority 2: Major bus routes, schools, community centres, business districts 

Priority 3: Collector streets, minor bus routes, industrial parks 

Priority 4: Local or subdivision streets

Priority 6: Rural streets, gravel with poor drainage 

Our goal is for priority 1 and 2 streets is to have passable travel lanes within 8 hours after a snowstorm, and have travel lanes pushed back and anti-icing material applied within 48 hours after a storm.

For priorities 3 and 4, our goal is to have passable travel lanes within 12 hours after a snowstorm, and have travel lanes pushed back and anti-icing material applied within 72 or 96 hours after a storm.

Priority 6 streets, our goal is to have passable travel lanes within 8 days following a storm. When particular climatic conditions create rutted and/or ice packed conditions, road will not be passable indefinitely. 

You can help! There are about 8300 catch basins across the City, and keeping them clear of debris like leaves, ice, and snow is important. If residents clear the areas around catch basins (and hydrants) near their property, it will help improve drainage from snow melt.

Parking bans

During winter months, a parking ban may be called any time it’s necessary for the safe and efficient removal of snow or ice. During a parking ban, all vehicles must be moved off the streets between midnight and 7:00 a.m. (North, East and West), or between 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. (South Central Peninsula). Any vehicle impeding snow removal operations will be ticketed and/or towed at the owner’s expense. Motorists must make their own arrangements for off-street parking.