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Council and Committees

Saint John Common Council consists of a Mayor and ten Councillors. Of the councillors, two represent the city at large, and eight represent the City's four wards (two councillors per ward). The Deputy Mayor is appointed by Common Council and traditionally has been the elected member who received the highest number of votes in the municipal election. 

Municipal elections are held the second Monday in May and the newly-elected Common Council assumes office the fourth Monday in May. All positions are held for a term of four years.


Council has the authority to establish committees of Council, and Council may delegate a power, duty, or function to a committee of Council by adopting a by-law. Council Committees are either Standing Committees, which are formed to carry out much of the work of council and then report back with recommendations; or Special or Ad/Hoc Committees which are formed for a specific task and dissolved upon completion of the task.