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Artist in Residence Application

October to December residency application is now OPEN

Applications must be received by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 10th 2024. 

Artist Opportunity

The City of Saint John invites artists and artist-led groups, to submit Expressions of Interest to be selected for the 2024 October-December Artist in Residence Program.

Community engagement remains at the heart of this program, which is open to artists practicing in all mediums including but not limited to:

  • visual (painting, sculpture)
  • literary (poetry, collective works)
  • performance (dance, music, opera, theatre, musical theatre)
  • new media (film, television, radio, audio, video, animation, digital)
  • multidisciplinary and the intersectionality therein

Artists should note this is not a live-in residency. Permits may be issued for temporary use of public spaces for artistic creation and presentation

Program Goals

  • Connect residents to Arts and Culture
  • Creatively animate public space(s) indoor or outdoor.
  • Provide opportunities for artists to engage with the public to showcase their creative practices.
  • Advance equity, diversity, and inclusion in the arts.
  • Broaden the community’s experience of the arts.
  • Contribute to placemaking and community pride

Roles and Responsibilities

The City of Saint John will:

  • recognize the artist is the City’s October-December Artists in Residence
  • provide access to municipal facilities and venues (as available);
  • coordinate permits for public space(s) (as appropriate);
  • promote project information with a webpage on (other sites created and managed by the artist may also be utilized in the delivery of the project);
  • provide administrative assistance, web services, event coordination, graphic design, and project promotion;
  • award a $5,000 (CAD) budget to selected artist which includes artist fees and funding to cover other costs directly related to the project; and
  • provide an opportunity for presentation and celebration at the end of the residency.

The City will also provide marketing and promotional collateral at its own expense.

The Selected Artist will:

  • commit to engaging community members in creative experiences including but not limited to two public residency engagements;
  • deliver the selected project within the program’s timeline and budget;
  • promote the project via social media;
  • provide regular progress updates to staff;
  • be available to speak with the media; and
  • attend a debriefing session at the end of the residency period.

Scope of Work

As part of the program, the artist will be expected to undertake a selection of the following residency engagements, to be agreed upon between the City and the Artist:

  • artist talk
  • workshop class or self-guided, public activity
  • virtual or physical exhibition/display of completed work

The successful project for this community-based arts initiative should engage residents and visitors to Saint John and promote an appreciation of Arts and Culture.

Expressions of Interest should outline the project concept and indicate how the artist will engage with the community.

While the artist’s process is as important as the resulting artistic products, projects should produce an outcome such as, but not limited to, a temporary installation, performance, recording, creative collaboration, exhibition, or community experience that can be shared and celebrated with the public.

Eligibility requirements

This opportunity is open to all artists residing within the City of Saint John. Artists should have proven experience engaging the public and working collaboratively with community members or other artists. They must be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada and be 18 years of age or older to qualify for this opportunity.

Previous City of Saint John Artists-in-Residence and City of Saint John employees are not eligible to apply.

Fundraising activities are not eligible.

A strong web/social media presence/following is considered an asset.

Eligibility requirements

Following the evaluation of proposals, the funding support unit will look at prioritizing applications from the following Indigenous and equity-seeking communities:

  • Mi’gmaq, Wolastoqiyik, and Peskotomuhkatiyik Nations
  • Inuit
  • Métis
  • IBPOC (Indigenous, Black, People of Color)
  • People with visible and invisible disabilities
  • Refugees / Immigrants / Newcomers

The City of Saint John recognizes that people identify themselves in many ways. Terms used to self-identify are continually evolving. People can change their identities or the ways they want to identify over time.

The project budget (managed by the artist) is $5,000 and includes, but is not limited to, all costs associated with the creation and implementation of the residency project including:

  • Artist fees (including research, development, and administration)
  • Materials (including any supplies, studio expenses, services, or equipment)
  • Disbursements will be made throughout the project as per a negotiated schedule of deliverables. Additional funds secured by the artist through project-related grants, awards and prizes may be used to supplement the project budget.

Upon acceptance, the artist will enter an Artist Agreement with the City of Saint John.

The recommended artist or artist-led groups will be chosen through a juried selection process. Artists will be evaluated on their qualifications and experience, body of work, merit of proposal, and capacity to engage with the community.

The City’s Arts Grants Committee will review proposals based on program goals and selection criteria outlined below. Staff may be engaged to vet permits, land use, etc.

Expression of Interest

Artists will be scored based on their previous body of work and experience; capacity to engage the community; ability to deliver work of high artistic quality on time and on budget; as well a project proposal that is realistic and achievable and has a vision for community involvement.

Submission Deadline: Thursday October 10th, 2024 at 4:00 p.m.

  • Expression of Interest (1-page, maximum file size 2 MB – pdf, doc or docx) Include a project proposal that describes desired outcomes and a vision for community involvement.
  • Artist Resume (up to 3-pages, maximum file size 2 MB – pdf, doc or docx)
  • Support Materials – Include up to 3 samples of your artistic work to support your proposal. (e.g., photos of artworks, short writing samples, links to video or sound files. Maximum file size 5 MB – pdf, doc, docx, jpg, jpeg or png – text field available for links.)
  • Applicants should include letters of support and/or agreement for collaborating community groups, organizations, or private landowners if proposed artwork will be placed on private property.

Evaluation Criterion

Qualifications and experience (20%)

  • The artist’s professional experience, interests and talents complement the program (5%)
  • The artist has demonstrated experience and inventiveness in working collaboratively with community members (5%)
  • The artist has the knowledge and skills required to facilitate, coordinate, promote, and administer the project on time and on budget (10%)

Quality of project proposal (40%)

  • The project proposal outlines a project that will creatively animate public space(s) (10%)
  • The project proposal has a vision for community involvement in their practices (10%)
  • The project proposal will produce an outcome such as, but not limited to, a temporary installation, performance, recording, collection, creative collaboration, exhibition, or community experience that can be shared and celebrated with the public (10%)
  • The preliminary project proposal is realistic and achievable (10%)

Realization of proposal (40%)

  • The proposed project will creatively animate public space(s) (10%)
  • The artist’s plans for cultural programming and community engagement are strong (10%)
  • The proposed project demonstrates a connection to the city and/or relevance to the citizens of Saint John with potential for positive impact in the community (20%)

Please note that late proposals will not be accepted.

General Provisions

Artist Agreement: The successful artist(s) will enter into an Artist Agreement with the City of Saint John. Upon notification of being awarded the project, the successful artist will have a 7-day period to finalize and sign the agreement.

Conflict of Interest: Applicants must disclose any potential conflicts of interest in their submission, including any which may involve City employees, Council members, or members of the Saint John Community Arts Board.

Reserved Rights: The City of Saint John and the Saint John Community Arts Board are not obliged to accept any of the submissions and reserve the right to not recommend any proposal or finalist and to terminate or re-advertise any project.

[This Funding Program is administered by the Saint John Community Arts Board on behalf of The City of Saint John]


Mailing Address
Artistic Discipline (Please select all that apply)



2 pages max. Include a project proposal that describes desired outcomes and a vision for community involvement.
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.
3 pages max.
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.
Include up to 3 samples of your artistic work to support your proposal. (e.g., photos of artwork, short writing samples, links to video or sound files. )
One file only.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, doc, docx.
Maximum 5 files.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.


Artist Agreement: The successful artist(s) will enter into an Artist Agreement with the City of Saint John. Upon notification of being awarded the project, the successful artist will have a 7-day period to finalize and sign the agreement.

Conflict of Interest: Applicants must disclose any potential conflicts of interest in their submission, including any which may involve City employees, Council members, or members of the Saint John Community Arts Board.

Reserved Rights: The City of Saint John and the Saint John Community Arts Board are not obliged to accept any of the submissions and reserve the right to not recommend any proposal or finalist and to terminate or re-advertise any project.

All projects must be completed in accordance with approved timetables and, in any event.

Grants cannot be awarded retroactively.

Grants are to be used only for their intended purpose. Any recipient that uses funds improperly, ceases operation, or knowingly provides false information must promptly repay the grant.

If the scope of your project must change, please contact the Arts and Culture Coordinator to advise.

The recipient must keep and maintain all records, invoices, and receipts relating to the project and allow the Board and City to inspect and make copies of all such records.

The recipient must consent to the release by the Board and the City of the information about the project and the amount awarded.

The recipient must comply with all City by-laws and all other applicable laws and regulations and is responsible for obtaining all necessary permits and approvals at its expense.

Neither the City of Saint John nor the Saint John Community Arts Board is liable for any damages, injury, and/or loss of revenue as a result of any grant being awarded or as a result of the project being undertaken and shall not be held out as a partner or agent of the recipient or otherwise responsible for any obligation related to the recipient or the project.

The recipient will acknowledge (in approved manner) the support of the City of Saint John in all publicity and programs relating to the project. The Community Arts Board logo and City of Saint John is available for inclusion on posters and in programs. Please contact the Arts and Culture Coordinator.

The recipient must provide a report to the Board within two (2) months of completion of the project, outlining the outcome of the project and all revenue and expenditures. Failure to submit a post-event report will deem the applicant ineligible for funding in the next calendar year.