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Charlotte Street Reimagination Project - preliminary drawing

City invites residents to help reimagine Charlotte Street

The City of Saint John is inviting the community to help to shape the look and functionality of Charlotte Street by getting involved with the highly-anticipated Charlotte Street Reimagination Project.

This important initiative seeks to improve safety, infrastructure, and access for all users, creating a vision for the area of Charlotte Street that stretches between Union Street and Broad Street. This area has been identified as a key transportation corridor connecting the Uptown and South End areas of the South Central Peninsula and as one that requires improved access for all types of transportation.

A new public engagement page for the Charlotte Street Reimagination Project has been launched on the City’s online public engagement platform, Shape Your City Saint John. Community members can view preliminary designs, project goals and timelines and take a short survey to help develop the future of Charlotte Street.

The survey is now open and will be available for community input until September 5, 2023. Paper copies of the survey are also available to fill out at the Customer Service Centre at City Hall.

To get involved and have your say, visit