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City of Saint John to receive COVID-19 relief funding as part of Safe Restart Program

The City of Saint John has experienced significant, and previously unexpected, financial impacts due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is the case for municipalities across Canada, and around the world.

On Thursday December 3, the City was pleased to learn that the application for funding as part of the COVID-19 impact reimbursement under the Safe Restart Agreement has been approved in full. The Government of New Brunswick confirmed the reimbursement for Saint John in the amount of $3,376,725.

“On behalf of the City and our citizens, I would like to recognize and thank the Province of New Brunswick and Government of Canada for the financial contribution to COVID relief funding for Saint John,” says Mayor Don Darling. “The application was prepared early and efficiently by municipal staff, endorsed by Council, and submitted based on specified guidelines. Receiving notification of the payment within days of having submitted the application is extremely helpful to the budgeting, planning and delivery of municipal services.”

The City of Saint John provides important and valuable services to the community. The Safe Restart reimbursement reduces the risk and uncertainty associated with COVID-19 impacts going into 2021.

“We appreciate the priority the Government of New Brunswick has placed on supporting municipalities during this difficult time,” adds Darling. “The financial support offered speaks to the importance of good fiscal management as well as the need to provide stable funding so that we can continue to provide services citizens and businesses rely on.”

The allocated payment for Saint John is being processed and will be transferred to the City within the next two weeks. The funds will be placed in an operating reserve to cover COVID-related costs.
