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City seeking public input on Saint John City Market strategic plan

The City of Saint John is looking for input from the public into the future direction of the Saint John City Market, one of the city’s most historic and recognizable landmarks. As one of the most visited sites in New Brunswick, attracting over one million visitors annually, the City Market has been a beloved fixture in Saint John’s uptown since 1876.

The City is currently developing a 10-year City Market Strategic Plan and as part of this process, a survey has been launched on the City’s public engagement platform, Shape Your City Saint John.

“The City Market Strategic Plan will chart a vision forward for the Market, with the goal of maintaining its reputation as a premier destination and gathering place for locals and tourists,” says David Dobbelsteyn, Acting Director of Growth and Community Planning for the City of Saint John. “This is the final phase in the development of the Plan, and we want to hear feedback and input from the public about the vision and strategies that are being considered.”  

The initial Strategic Plan development process took place from January 2022 to March 2023, and included a series of community, vendor, and stakeholder engagements, that resulted in a set of priority actions and a detailed roadmap.

The public is encouraged to provide input into the future of this important landmark. For more information, to view the draft plan and fill out the survey please visit Shape Your City Saint John.

The survey will be open for feedback until June 21, 2023.