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Council adopts City's Community Energy Action Plan – ActSJ Pathway to Net-Zero

The City of Saint John's Community Energy Action Plan – ActSJ Pathway to Net-Zero, the City’s response to the climate crisis and its commitment to transition to net-zero emissions in the city by 2050, was approved by Council on Monday night.

Sustainability Solution Group led the development of this plan, through collaboration with the City, Saint John Energy, the Community Working Group, and the public. Engagement activities throughout the development of the plan ensure that ActSJ reflects the knowledge, input, and perspectives of the community.

ActSJ identifies a feasible approach for the community to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 while creating jobs, growing sustainable local industries, and improving quality of life for our residents through 17 strategies. ActSJ is also in line with global efforts to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

“This action plan allows the City to achieve its climate target while maximizing the positive social, economic, and environmental impacts of climate action,” says Samir Yammine, Director of Asset Management and Environmental Performance. “It is an ambitious vision, that requires all segments of the community to work together. With a focus on clear communication, continuous improvement, and performance, Saint John will be more resilient to the effects of climate change and continue to become an energy-focused city.”

ActSJ builds on over two decades of climate action and sustainability work by the City. Saint John’s climate action efforts include a municipal deep energy retrofit program, a climate change vulnerability assessment report, a corporate climate action plan, and the securing of over $40 million in grants and over $14 million in loans from federal, provincial, and other agencies toward climate change mitigation and adaptation projects.

Next steps include the establishment of an ActSJ advisory committee, development, resource strategy and budget implementations for city-led actions, and the establishment of a monitoring, evaluation, and reporting system to track ands report on ActSJ progress.

The full Community Energy Action Plan – ActSJ Pathway to Net-Zero can be viewed here.

To learn more about the Saint John Community Energy Action Plan visit Shape Your City Saint John here.