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Housing for All

Council Adopts Housing for All Strategy

The City of Saint John's Housing for All Strategy was approved by Council Monday night. This Strategy embodies our community's united and compassionate approach to addressing homelessness over the next three years, using a person-centered and human rights approach.

With the goal of creating safe and welcoming spaces for all residents, the strategy supports individuals in finding housing that meets their unique needs. Additionally, it aims to make homelessness a rare, brief, and non-recurring experience. Currently, there are 344 chronically homeless people in Saint John, with 663 residents having experienced homelessness for at least one day in the past year.

“With the Housing for All strategy, the City and community partners are focused on a shared vision of every resident having a safe, supported, and sustainable home,” says David Dobbelsteyn, Director of Growth and Community Services for the City of Saint John. “This strategy is only the beginning; it is the roadmap. There are four foundational priorities that will be built out to achieve the 28 action items identified within it.”

The four foundational priorities identified for the next three years include:

  • Coordination and Governance
  • Emergency Supports
  • Prevention, Education, and Safety
  • Housing Support

“While the strategy was presented by the City, it will take a community effort to implement its actions,” adds Dobbelsteyn. “It involves coordinating the City’s response to homelessness by streamlining resources with local organizations, agencies, and healthcare partners, recognizing that the Government of New Brunswick maintains a leadership role.”

“Our Housing for All Strategy outlines a clear vision for addressing housing needs. While collaboration with the province and community partners is underway, additional support is crucial to transform this vision into reality," says City of Saint John Mayor Donna Reardon. “New Brunswick municipalities have decision-making power regarding land use, but they lack the necessary revenue streams to fund complex social services such as mental health and addiction support. To deliver real help to our community, the provincial government must increase its efforts and allocate essential resources."

The Housing for All Strategy will continue to develop and adapt in response to the community’s needs and lessons learned from implementing its various actions. Together, as a city with a big heart, we can ensure that everyone in Saint John has a place to call home.

To view the City of Saint John's Housing for All Strategy, click HERE.