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By-Law Number CP 111-145 A Law to Amend the Zoning By-Law of The City of Saint John

Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider giving third reading to the bylaw entitled, “By-Law Number C.P. 111-145 A Law to Amend the Zoning By-Law of The City of Saint John” at its meeting of March 6, 2023.

The amendment will establish a new land use definition “converted accommodation” to enable the conversion of an existing accommodation establishments into dwelling units, and to add the use to the Uptown Commercial (CU), Business Park Commercial (CBP), Commercial Corridor (CC), and General Commercial (CG) zones.

The proposed use will facilitate the conversion of accommodation structures into dwelling units in a number of commercial zones. This will help facilitate the development of new dwelling units, including affordable housing units to meet the City’s established housing needs.

In accordance with the Local Governance Act, the bylaw will be read in summary only, if no member of Council objects. 


Jonathan Taylor, City Clerk
