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By-Law Number BC-3 A By-law Respecting the Construction, Repair and Demolition of Buildings and Structures in The City of Saint John

Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider giving third reading to the bylaw entitled, “By-Law Number BC-3 A By-law Respecting the Construction, Repair and Demolition of Buildings and Structures in The City of Saint John” at its meeting of March 24, 2025.

The proposed Saint John Building By-law has been updated to remove references to specific code editions and instead cite the Building Code Administration Act and its regulations to establish the applicable versions. This ensures alignment with provincial updates, including the adoption of the 2020 National Building Code of Canada and 2020 National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings, effective April 1, 2025, while avoiding unnecessary future amendments.

In accordance with the Local Governance Act, the bylaw will be read in summary only, if no member of Council objects. 

Jonathan Taylor, City Clerk