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By-Law respecting Procedures of Common Council of The City of Saint John

By-Law Number LG-15

A By-Law respecting the Procedures of Common Council of The City of Saint John


Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider giving third reading to the bylaw entitled, “By-Law Number L.G.-15, A By-Law respecting the Procedures of the Common Council of The City of Saint John” at its meeting of January 10, 2022.


The City’s Procedural By-Law will be bolstered by amending section 10.3 “Communications from the public”. The proposed amendment clarifies what is deemed to be inappropriate communications (e.g., defamatory language, offensive language or subject matter, etc) and provides discretion to the City Manager to determine which communications can be referred directly to the City Manager for follow-up action. The amendment also ensures that Members of Council are notified of any communication received and not placed on a meeting agenda.


In accordance with the Local Governance Act, the bylaw will be read in summary only, if no member of Council objects. 


Jonathan Taylor

City Clerk