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1395 Loch Lomond Rd.

  Walking directions to this stop

Routes and Schedule

  • FIRST BUS AT 9:06 AM

    Bus #32 every 2 hours and 55 minutes from 9:06 AM to 12:01 PM
    9:06 AM, 12:01 PM

    4:16 PM

    LAST BUS AT 4:16 PM

  • FIRST BUS AT 7:17 AM

    Bus #33 every 30 minutes from 7:17 AM to 8:47 AM
    7:17 AM, 7:47 AM, 8:17 AM, 8:47 AM

    Bus #33 every 1 hour from 3:17 PM to 4:17 PM
    3:17 PM, 4:17 PM

    Bus #33 every 30 minutes from 4:47 PM to 5:17 PM
    4:47 PM, 5:17 PM

    LAST BUS AT 5:17 PM