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Blur Bus Hero

Routes, Stops, and Schedules

Not sure how to get from A to B on a Saint John Transit bus? Use the Transit Route Finder or the pdf schedules below, and you’ll get the routes, times, and information you need. Still unsure? Our bus drivers are also experts on how to use the Saint John Transit system and would be happy to answer any of your questions.

View PDF schedules



A full system map is available here, through our Open Data portal.

Transit Route Finder

The Route Finder displays routing suggestions using Google Transit,  a free public transit trip planner that integrates data into Google Maps. Google Transit does not cover FLEX service or service disruptions such as street maintenance, closures, detours, weather etc. Saint John Transit is not responsible or liable for the accuracy of the information represented by Google Transit and does not validate any trip planning information. View PDF schedules | City of Saint John, New Brunswick



Transit Changes

Transit Changes:

No service interruptions

As Scheduled


Sierra Av. & Hampton Rd., King's Square North, Royal Bank - Charlotte St., Golden Ball - Sydney St., Sydney St. & King's Sq. North, Prince Edward Square...