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The atmosphere of Queens Square

Written Comments for Zoning By-Law and Municipal Plan Amendments

The deadline for submissions is generally 4 p.m. on the Wednesday before a scheduled meeting. Deadlines for individual applications can be found in the Public Notices.

Submissions will be shared with Saint John Common Council and relevant staff and become part of the official public record. Submissions will also be posted on the City's website attached to the relevant agenda item. Your name will be posted with your comments, but your mailing address, phone number, and email address will not be posted online. 

About Person/Group Submitting
Public Hearing Information
One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.
By filling out this form, I acknowledge that my name and comments will be made publicly available. I further acknowledge that any use of offensive language, including but not limited to the use of profane language or personal attacks, will not be tolerated and will not form part of the public record or be provided to Council for their consideration.