Eight Catalysts for Greater Prosperity
Saint John Common Council is committed to working across governments and sectors to unlock the City and region’s growth potential. To do this, Council has identified eight high-impact priorities that will spur growth by addressing critical infrastructure and building stronger partnerships.

Growth won’t just happen on its own. To be successful we must focus our resources on priorities that align with our growth strategies and will have the greatest potential impact. The priorities also help focus the support of our partners in the federal and provincial governments. We are seeking strategic investments that will help deliver the most benefit.
01 Innovative Central Peninsula Learning Commons

This new urban school will also be a community hub to support and revitalize the south-central peninsula neighbourhood. The project has been underway since 2019 with significant community involvement. The Government of New Brunswick is the lead on the project and is selecting a site. We are eager to advance to the design and construction stages of the project.
02 Redevelopment of Fundy Quay

Site preparation has begun for this mixed-used project that will transform Saint John’s urban waterfront and boost tourism. Two thirds of the $27.4 million project, or about $18.4 million, has been funded by the federal and provincial governments, with the remainder funded by the City of Saint John. Continued advocacy and investment by all levels of government is crucial to securing full build out of the project over the next 10 years and unlocking further investments.
03 New Comprehensive Recreational Facility

A large multi-purpose facility has been prioritized to replace aging arenas (some that are close to 50 years old) and provide modern, functional space for other sports, recreation, and the arts. A more modern facility will not only improve community wellness and service offerings, but it will also boost the attractiveness of our region.
04 Investment in Industrial Parks

The City is looking to expand lands and investment in its industrial parks to fuel economic growth by attracting new businesses and skilled workers. More lands and investment are needed to ensure the City is positioned to capitalize on emerging growth opportunities in sectors such as green energy, advanced manufacturing and transportation and logistics. These investments will enable these sectors to operate efficiently without adversely impacting the quality of life in residential neighbourhoods.
01 Comprehensive Tax Reform

Saint John has long called on the Province for comprehensive tax reform to ensure more local tax dollars stay in the City to help maintain strong and sustainable municipal services. Currently, the Province collects significant property tax for its own purposes that is disproportionately high when compared to other provinces. In alignment with the Province’s Sustaining Saint John Plan, the time for modernizing our outdated tax system is now.
02 Matching Dollars for Bilateral Funding

Currently, more than $36 million in green infrastructure funding is available from the federal government. The City is calling on the Province to unlock these federal funds by providing the required provincial matching funds. These dollars would help make critical investments in climate change-related infrastructure, further enable the creation of a green economy, and support the City’s goal to be carbon neutral by 2040.
03 Affordable Housing

About one third of Saint John residents struggle to pay for housing. Affordable housing is important to our residents and key to our community’s success. Our collective ability to provide access to safe, affordable housing will enable us to achieve growth and improve the sense of belonging for those who call Saint John home. The City is looking for federal and provincial support as it embarks on creating and delivering on its Affordable Housing Action Plan.
04 Post-Secondary Education

The City aims to work with post-secondary institutions, other levels of government and the business community to expand programs at UNB Saint John and NBCC to spark growth and innovation across our region. Strong and vibrant educational opportunities are critical to growth, attracting and retaining our youth, and developing a talent and leadership pipeline.