The area in Millidgeville as shown on the map, is serviced by FLEX Millidgeville on-demand.
The Millidgeville zone includes stops on Kennebecasis Drive including Tucker Park, 1099 Kennebecasis (Lift Station) and Lentook Avenue.
The zone does not include University Avenue.
FLEX service does not operate on a fixed route or schedule. It operates stop to stop within the zone. Riders use an app on their phone or call a dispatcher at 506 652-3539 to schedule a ride. The app or the dispatcher will let the rider know when to meet the bus at the stop, depending on preference.
Riders are able to request the quickest available bus, book a ride for later, or request the time to arrive at their destination within the zone.
Riders can travel from stop to stop within the zone, or transfer at to the 3N or 9N at 608 Millidge Avenue (old fire station) or to the 3E or 9E at Woodward Avenue/University.
The service goal is to have the bus arrive at the requested stop within half an hour of the request.
Service hours
Monday to Friday 6:30 am until 6:30 pm
Saturday from 10 am until 6 pm
Visit the AppStore or Google Play to download onto your smartphone

You can also call 506 652 3539 (FLEX) to set up an account and book your rides via telephone.
Telephone booking hours
Monday to Friday 6:30 am until 5 pm
Saturday from 10 am until 5 pm
Area residents will notice new signage in the area. They will also notice that there will stop removals. Stops are being removed mainly where there are duplicate stops.
More about FLEX service is here.
In 2023, service enhancements will roll out across the system. Find out more about the Transforming Transit project here.
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