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East FLEX Zone

A map showing the boundaries of FLEX East service.







FLEX East map and stops

FLEX provides additional transit service in the East on-demand zone.

The East FLEX zone is east of McAllisterDrive, west of Lakeview Drive, north of Loch Lomond Road and south of Westmorland Road.  Riders can travel between stops in the East FLEX zone or transfer to other lines at McAllister Mall.

FLEX service does not operate on a fixed route or schedule. It operates stop to stop within the zone.

Service is available Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4 pm. Saturday service is available from 10 am to 6 pm. Unique stops will be added into the FLEX service zone. FLEX East will not replace fixed route service in the area.

Beginning July 8, 2024, East FLEX service hours will be extended to 6:30 am until 6:30 pm Monday to Friday. Saturday service will run from 10 am until 6 pm.

Riders use an app on their phone or call a dispatcher at 506 652-3539 (FLEX) to schedule a ride. The app or the dispatcher will let the rider know when to meet the bus at the stop, depending on preference.

Riders are able to request the quickest available bus, book a ride for later, or request the time to arrive at their destination within the zone.

Riders can travel from stop to stop within the zone, or transfer to other routes at McAllister Mall.

The service goal is to have the bus arrive at the requested stop within half an hour of the request.


Service hours

Monday to Friday 8:30 am until 4:00 pm
Saturday from 7:30 am until 6:00 pm

Visit the AppStore or Google Play to download onto your smartphone

You can also call 506 652 3539 (FLEX) to set up an account and book your rides via telephone.

Telephone booking hours

Monday to Friday 6:30 am until 5 pm
Saturday from 10 am until 5 pm


Area residents will notice new signage in the area. 

More about FLEX service is here.

In 2023, service enhancements will roll out across the system. Find out more about the Transforming Transit project here.

Sign up for Transit news and notifications here.


Transit Changes

Transit Changes:

Route 32 Loch Lomond -- route change

Service Change

Beginning July 8, 2024, Route 32 Loch Lomond will no longer service stops on Lakeview Drive, Willie Avenue, David Street and McNamara Drive. FLEX service with extended hours (6:30 am to 6:30 pm Monday to Friday) will be available to residents in the area.

Saint John Transit: 15W Harbour Bridge Detour

Service Disruption

Saint John Transit advises the travelling public that Route 15W Harbour Bridge will not be able to use the Harbour Bridge westbound ramp from Chesley Drive due to a planned closure.

During this closure, no westbound service will be provided on Main Street North on this route. The bus will use the on ramp from the Viaduct to access the Harbour Bridge. The last stop for Route 15W before it enters the Viaduct on ramp will be at the stop at Union and Main streets.

Saint John Transit apologizes for any inconvenience that this may cause during this time. 

This detour will be in effect until Saturday, November 30, 2024.  

No service interruptions

As Scheduled