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HAF Grant Program

Applications are closed. Stay tuned for more information for 2025 grant applications.

The Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) Grant Program is a temporary Grant Program intended to incentivize the creation of housing supply within fully serviced areas of the City over the next three years. The Grant will deploy funds towards HAF priorities and targets. The Program contains three funding streams:  


Construction Challenges Grant   

  • Supports development that might not be achieved through normal market forces by addressing known construction challenges specific to Saint John. 

  • Provides up to 50% of the cost of eligible construction challenge expenditures to a maximum of $10,000 per unit up to 15 units.  

  • Developments must incur at least $200,000 in eligible construction challenges which could include; breaking and removal of rock, importation of fill, pile-driving, and remediation of contaminated soils. 

Missing Middle Housing Grant  

  • Incentivizes the construction of missing middle housing forms that are more inherently sustainable and affordable through smaller lots and denser developments that make efficient use of land.  

  • Provides up to $5,000 per eligible unit.  

  • A top up Modular Housing Grant/Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) provides $2,500 per unit  

  • Provides no more than $150,000 per eligible project.  


Revitalizing Rental Stock 

  • To incentivize the revitalization of existing rental stock and retention of such stock at greater levels of affordability than would otherwise be contemplated.  

  • Provides $10,000 per unit up, in addition to 100% of the cost of building permit fees and no more than $50,000 per application. 

  • The development must incur at least $200,000 in eligible expenditures  

  • Eligible projects include developments who provide proof of support for Housing NB’s RRAP program, or, vacant building redevelopment by a non-profit organization. 


Applications will be evaluated by the Grant Committee based on the objectives and project scorecard outlined in the Grant Program Policy.  

Application forms can be obtained by request by emailing Paper copies may also be obtained from the One Stop Development Shop, located at 15 Market Square. The first grant cycle will open on November 1st and end on November 30th. After all applications are evaluated, a second grant cycle may open, subject to available funding.